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  • A new era of music is coming again, a new beginning is made. And when Beethoven asks:

    “Music –
    with whom can you talk
    about this high goddess?”


    then more and more people will be found, lovers of music, who can do that – as scientifically objectively proven authorities.

    Let me briefly dwell on the point, that the music specialists and musicians in the official, institutionalized music sector lack the knowledge about music. Therefore I would like to tell them a little secret from the secret science of music, which the great classical sound creators have practised.

    In a musical work of a great classical composer it is by no means about what one can hear with the ears, but it is about that – and only about that – what can not be heard. In practice this means: it is not about the notes, but it is only about the nothing between the notes.

    “Yes, it must come from above, that, which shall touch the heart; otherwise you only have notes, body without a mind.
    What is a body without a mind? Dirt or soil, isn’t it?
    The mind shall rise from the earth, in which God’s spark has been captivated for a certain time, and similar to the field, to which the farmer entrusts his delicious seed, it shall blossom and carry many crops, and, thus multiplied, strive up towards the source, from whence it flowed.
    For only through persistent work, using the powers given to us, will the creature honour the Creator and preserver of infinite nature.”


    And it is certainly no coincidence that nature has established that a musician can not play a tone continuously, without pausing.
    For only in between the sounds – in the pauses – does the miracle of music reveal itself: the sounds only divert from this miracle.

    Therefore, the art of making music is to perform a musical work of a great classical composer in such away that the listener believes to only recognize the pauses and to take them seriously, but not the tones. That is, the musician must be a magician here, and only that brings significant medical results – just like it is also natural, that we inhabit a house from within and not from the outside, and that we do not inhabit the walls, but the empty spaces between the walls.

    In this sense Lao-Tse says:

    “The greatest secret is the silence.”

    “By kneading clay you form jars.
    But only their hollow space, the nothing, enables the filling.”

    “From walls, broken up by doors and windows, you build a house.
    But only its cavity, the nothing, gives it its value.”

    “The visible, the existing, gives form to the work.
    The invisible, the nothing, gives it essence and sense.”


    Although I have talked about a secret, I have not revealed it, because who can not understand it, will not hear it. Silence is an open secret and the source and the beginning and the end of all music.

    “Who wants to partake of the revelation of truth,
    should grasp nothing through understanding,
    but should experience inside
    and come into a specific psychological state –
    provided he is capable of it.”


    “But the publication of those secrets I do not consider to be a luck for men, except for a chosen few, namely for those, who are able to find by themselves on a very fine hint. The others it has to infuse, in an irresponsible manner, partly with a very stupid scorn, partly with an eccentricity and inflatedness, due to the delusion, as if now they would have eaten all the wisdom with spoons.”

    on the teachings of Pythagoras

    Help to initiate this described development, which Beethoven demands in the name of the great classical composers and participate in the financing of the related research and developments.

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