The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Middle Ring of Cognition in the Light of the Sun
The Common Responsibility
of the Sage and the King

A sage has the highest responsibility in the world.

The king, however, is only an executive organ of the plans of the sage; whether he is aware of it or not, is of no significance.

“To realize this is the best thing that can happen to a king because then he is in a position where he can under certain circumstances - with the help of a sage - fulfil his given task satisfactorily; and only then can he reach freedom himself; only in this and no other manner can he really be freed from the burden of his office.

“This was the situation of the great king Helgi. In the outer worldly activity he had proven his worth - on his campaigns he had reached ever greater power on earth.

“Owing to his prudent guidance of man more and more people had sought his peace-giving protection and had placed themselves under his royal rule.

Thus he exerts power over the whole earth.

“However, this does not give him freedom - on the contrary, this responsibility buries him under more and more obligations because now he is responsible for the fulfilment of even more people - a task to get dizzy from.

“But Helgi in his very nature is a fearless man and an infatigable man of action if the fulfilment of his duty is concerned.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Middle Ring
of Cognition in the
Light of the Sun

The Cow of Perfect Fulfilment of Desires
Enlivening the
Fields of Conscience
The Cosmic World-Festival of Desires
The Origin of Desires
The Soul on Its
Cosmic Journey
The World of Desires
The Cosmic Way
to Freedom
The Procession
of the Desires
The Father of Desires
Highest Fulfilment
of Desires
The Dance of Desires
The Perfect Shape of the Cosmic Fulfilment
of Desires
The Tale of the Sage Sehermund and His Wishing-Cow
The Royal Duty
The Just Fulfilment
of the Royal Duty
The Wealth of
Sages and of Kings
The Common Responsibility of the
Sage and the King
The Experience
of Freedom
The Power of Wisdom
The Natural Desire for Freedom From the
Royal Duties
The Unbending Will
of the Sage
The Skill of the Sage in Exerting His Power
The Secret Means and Ways of the Sages
The Test of the King