The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Ring of the Inner Cognitive Exercises in the Light of the Moon

The young journeyman-smith took the shining staff from the golden-silvery pliers and presented it with both hands to his teacher who kindly accepted it, weighed it in his hand, and held it up as if to compare it with the moon.
Then he blew into the wand and touched with it a bush that happened to stand next to them.

At once the green structure of branches and leaves turned into a goat with golden horns, which sprightly bounced about the forest-clearing; but suddenly it rose into the air and swiftly strove towards the moon as if she was its long-sought play-mate.

The teacher was obviously pleased with the result and gave the magic wand back to his disciple who received the consecrated journey-manis piece of work full of joy and gratitude.

“Like the ring before, this magic wand too needs the powerful enlivenment by the cosmic breath of life, before it can work wonders,” explained Sol.

“The art of making such a distinguished tool lies particularly in the ability of the smith to tune the snake that dwells in the wand, to the recognition of the individual desires of its user.
Furthermore the owner has to endow the snake with the omnipotent power of bringing his individual desires into harmony with the cosmic purpose - for the magic wand shall only do good and useful works.”

Now the young smith too blew into his piece of art and the wand became transparent again.

Mani recognized the snake, she saw its mighty head and the eyes of diamond which looked at the artist gleaming and expectantly - as if it was looking for his instructions.

Radiant streams of stars wandered, like innumerable suns, on well-organized orbits through the thousand-eyed silvery body of the beautiful and noble reptile which twinkled in many hues of gold, and between them spread silver-white strata of mist.

And as he put his magic tool to his mouth and played on it like on a flute, the whole nature around him began to dance as if from an irresistible urge, and finally all the trees and bushes, all the grass and all the flowers, and all the birds and animals of the woods swayed to the strains of this magic flute in a marvellous dance.
However, as soon as the young flute-player paused, all the dancers went back to their places and waited there expectantly.

“Like at every exercise, here too twelve wise judges are assembled and supervise the proper use of the almighty powers of the Asen,” explained Sol.

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  continued: Circle of Cognition in the Light of the Sun and the Moon
©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Ring of the Inner Cognitive Exercises in the Light of the Moon
The Wonder-Working Wonder-Wand