The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Revealing Power of the Rings of Knowledge
A Glimpse of the Domain of the Transcendence

“The following 'inner ring of mental exercises' is devoted to overcome safely the inner uncertainty when judging outer events. Therefore these exercises take place in the field of unity - where all the cosmic diversity arises from the infinite, lively condensation of pure life, and where the world of cause and effect has its natural limit.”

“The wonder-well we have just seen draws its cool, invigorating, clear waters from this pure world of the transcendence; and you felt their purifying effect in the cool clarity of your mind, when you beheld the winter-mountain.
This is the experience of pure consciousness which radiates from the perfect world of the enlivened silence cooling and purifying through the stimulated mind - just as the pure moonlight wrought, unifying in many ways, through the winter-mountain and illuminated it.”

“The 'inner ring of the cognitive exercises in the light of the moon', through which we will go later, is the training place for the precise mastery over winter in all detail, for this ring of cognition is the arena of the immortal inner forces of the understanding in the field of all possibilities.
There, in the infinite plain of the transcendence, the domain of the wonder-working moon-alfs begins.”

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Revealing Power of the Rings of Knowledge
The Power of the
Cognitive Forces
A Glimpse of the Domain of the Transcendence
A Glimpse of the Domain of Pure Self-Awareness
A Glimpse of the Domain of the Established Intellect
The Power of Consciousness