Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

Scientists of Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for
Self Awareness

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner



Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Page   1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Peter Hübner – Music as a Harmonic Medical Data Carrier
Ques­tion: Yes, so far.

Peter Hübner: Con­ven­tional mu­sic can­not be de­fined in a natu­ral-sci­en­tific sense. Here we are talk­ing about art and the free­dom of art and ar­tis­tic in­ter­pre­ta­tion, and this ex­tends from the sen­ti­ment of the pop song to the de­struc­tive fury of hard rock mu­sic.

To ap­proach medi­cal mu­sic in such a con­ven­tional mu­si­cal man­ner would remove the sci­en­tific ob­jec­tiv­ity – this ac­counts for the fail­ure of any at­tempt made to util­ize any kind of ar­tis­tic per­form­ance in mu­sic ther­apy – at least in so far as it can be nei­ther de­fined nor evalu­ated sci­en­tifi­cally.

The sci­en­tifi­cally ob­jec­tive de­fin­able and prov­able medi­cal bene­fit can only be es­tab­lished through a musi­co­logi­cal ap­proach – com­pa­ra­ble to that which we know from phar­ma­ceu­tics: pre­cise fig­ures, pre­cise for­mu­las, clear and re­pro­duci­ble facts, just as Pythagoras had also de­manded and, in do­ing so, es­tab­lished the foun­da­tions of our sci­en­tific age.

And then here too, when knowl­edge of the ma­te­rial – of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic – is suf­fi­cient, the de­sired sci­en­tific medi­cal suc­cess is achieved, suc­cess which can be ob­jec­tively meas­ured and re­pro­duced in­de­pend­ently of place and time.

The trans­mis­sion of in­for­ma­tion can in­deed be a ther­apy, eve­ry doc­tor knows this and eve­ry psy­cholo­gist and psy­chia­trist earns his liv­ing on the fact. And the har­monic in­for­ma­tion which the lis­tener re­ceives via Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® pro­duces a sci­en­tifi­cally prov­able heal­ing ef­fect.
As such, it is a medi­cally ef­fec­tive ther­apy – based on the reso­nance of har­monic in­for­ma­tion. And the har­monic in­for­ma­tion uses the sound as an in­for­ma­tion car­rier.

In pre­vious medi­cal stud­ies, ex­perts have pri­mar­ily con­cerned them­selves with meas­ur­able medi­cal pa­rame­ters. On the basis of the ap­par­ent re­sults of the re­search, they are now be­gin­ning to look more closely at the prin­ci­ples – how in­com­ing har­monic in­for­ma­tion in­di­vidu­ally ef­fects the body’s own in­ter­nal har­monic in­for­ma­tion and how the body car­ries out any nec­es­sary cor­rec­tions. But these stud­ies are also largely gov­erned by the gen­eral de­vel­op­ment of re­search into the brain.

For all of the rea­sons men­tioned, it seems to me to be ex­pe­di­ent to in­tro­duce Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® to the sim­ple lis­tener as ‘medi­cally ef­fec­tive mu­sic’ and to the ex­pert as ‘a medi­cally ef­fec­tive har­monic in­for­ma­tion car­rier’.

Mu­sic Medi­cine

“The func­tion
of the laws of har­mony
in space and time
can­not be con­veyed
by ho­moph­ony;
for this one needs
po­lyph­ony, the coun­ter­point
and the fugue.”

Peter Hübner
Ques­tion: May I repeat the ques­tion, just to get it clear in de­tail? To what ex­tent can Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® be de­scribed as in­for­ma­tion?

Peter Hübner:
The in­for­ma­tion as­pect comes from the musi­co­logi­cal view­point. Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® only rep­re­sents the struc­tural re­ali­ties of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic in so far as it uses these struc­tures as in­for­ma­tion car­ri­ers for the trans­mis­sion of in­for­ma­tion about the laws of har­mony of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic.

Medical Music Preparations on CD
RRR 943 Pains / Post-operative Pains
Pains / Postoperative Pains

RRR 128 Concentration / Memory
Concentration / Memory

RRR 951 Mental Distress / Fear
Mental Distress / Fear

RRR 940 Cardiac & Circulatory Disorders
Cardiac &
Circulatory Disorders

RRR 942 Mother & Child
Mother & Child

If you like to look at the
complete program,
if you like to listen to a
Medical Music Preparation or
if you want to download it,
please click on a CD-cover above.

If you click on the title, it will lead you
to the scientific research.

With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.