The American Institute
of Stress

World Health
Organization (WHO)

Republic of Belarus

Stress + Heart Disease

The Unborn Child

Special Care Baby Unit

Harmonic Therapy

The Benefits of
Harmonic Information

Social Medical Significance

Headaches & Migraine

Harmonic Information
as a Modern Medication

Intensive Care Unit

MRT Music / Function


Nuclear Accident



Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
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The Benefits of Harmonic Information in Digital Pharmaceutics
We have also suc­cess­fully used this method in ob­stet­rics, par­ticu­larly where there have been com­pli­ca­tions with the preg­nancy, such as a risk of los­ing the preg­nancy and of toxe­mia.

The group at risk of los­ing the preg­nancy com­prised 15 women in the 10th to 13th week of preg­nancy. The risk of ter­mi­na­tion stemmed from neuro-psy­cho­logi­cal fac­tors and from se­vere stress. The com­plex labo­ra­tory ex­ami­na­tions car­ried out on the preg­nant women on the first day also in­cluded an ex­ami­na­tion of the lev­els of the hor­mones cor­ti­sol, pro­ges­ter­one and es­tra­diol. In ad­di­tion, vaginal smears were ex­am­ined in or­der to de­ter­mine the hor­mo­nal saturation. As­sess­ment of the emo­tional-per­sonal sphere was again car­ried out with the help of the MMPI. The con­trol group also com­prised 15 women.

They re­ceived con­ven­tional ther­apy to pre­vent loss of preg­nancy, and this in­cluded seda­tive and spasmolytic remedies and vita­mins.

The pa­tients in the MRT-Mu­sic® group lis­tened to the mu­sic 1–2 times a day for 30-60 min­utes, a to­tal of 8–12 times. The blood sam­ples were taken in the morn­ings be­fore treat­ment and again af­ter treat­ment. Eve­ry three days smears were ex­am­ined in the clini­cal labo­ra­tory.

When the pa­tients were ad­mit­ted to the hos­pi­tal, the karyopyknosic in­dex (KPI) in the smears fluctuated be­tween 16% and 21%. As a re­sult of the treat­ment, the KPI in the MRT-Mu­sic® group fell af­ter only 3 days to 10%–12% and in the con­trol group only down to 14%–17%. Af­ter 6 days, it was down to 7%–8% and 11%–13% re­spec­tively.

Prior to treatment:

Cortisol 765 nmol / l,
progesterone 11.4 nmol / l, estradiol 1.66 nmol / l

After treatment:

Cortisol 485 nmol / l,
progesterone 22.8 nmol / l, estradiol 0.92 nmol / l

Prior to treatment:

Cortisol 720 nmol / l,
progesterone 14.2 nmol / l, estradiol 1.8 nmol / l

After treatment:

Cortisol 590 nmol / l,
progesterone 18.1 nmol / l, estradiol 1.8 nmol / l

As this shows, the level of cor­ti­sol and es­tra­diol for the preg­nant women in the MRT-Mu­sic group went down by 40 – 50% (in the con­trol group by 27%), and the pro­ges­ter­one level dou­bled.

Af­ter the MRT-Mu­sic® treat­ment, the men­tal state of 69.2% of the preg­nant women had nor­mal­ized and there was no in­ci­dence of a de­te­rio­ra­tion, whilst in the con­trol group – treated in the con­ven­tional way – an im­prove­ment in the men­tal state was only evi­dent in 40% of the women.

Ap­proxi­mately the same per­cent­age was char­ac­ter­ized by a de­te­rio­ra­tion in the extant health dis­or­ders. Fur­ther­more, there was an im­prove­ment in the gen­eral health and mood of the women in the MRT-Mu­sic® group. Sleep, high blood pres­sure, and ap­pe­tite be­came nor­mal.

The women in the MRT-Mu­sic® group re­quired 9–11 days hos­pi­tal treat­ment, whilst the con­trol group had to be treated for 14– 16 days.

We also gath­ered in­ter­est­ing data when us­ing Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® to treat blood pres­sure, and ap­pe­tite be­came nor­mal.

The women in the MRT-Mu­sic® group re­quired 9–11 days hos­pi­tal treat­ment, whilst the con­trol group had to be treated for 14– 16 days.

We also gath­ered in­ter­est­ing data when us­ing Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® to treat blood pres­sure, gen­eral state, sleep, changes in the car­dioto­cographic status of the foe­tus.

The pa­tients in the con­trol group were not treated with Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic, but in­stead were treated in the usual con­ven­tional way (spasmolytics, seda­tives, and hy­poten­sives).

As the data re­corded in­di­cate, af­ter only 6 ses­sions with Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®, the vari­abil­ity and the num­ber of ac­cel­era­tions in­creased, which shows the im­prove­ment in the status of the foe­tus. Nor­mali­za­tion of the blood pres­sure, the gen­eral con­di­tion and sleep oc­curred in 82% of the women.

Con­se­quently, this mu­sic can be suc­cess­fully used in the treat­ment of toxe­mia.

A new com­po­nent in our re­search work is the study of the ef­fects of Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® on the im­mune sys­tem of preg­nant women.
Ten women di­ag­nosed with a threat of mis­car­riage took part in the study.
They lis­tened to the mu­sic for a week.

Af­ter the treat­ment, be­sides an im­prove­ment in the gen­eral con­di­tion, posi­tive changes were reg­is­tered in a se­ries of im­mu­nologi­cal pa­rame­ters, in­clud­ing an in­crease in the T-lymphocyte level, Nor­mali­za­tion of their func­tional ac­tiv­ity, the re­la­tion­ship of the T-helper, T-sup­pressors, the pro­duc­tion of immunoglobulins (in­clud­ing a re­duc­tion in immunoglobulin M).

The con­se­quence of all this is a clear re­duc­tion of the circulating immuno-com­plexes in the blood serum. No stimu­la­tion of the im­mune sys­tem’s phagocytic link has been as­cer­tained. This re­search is still con­tinu­ing and should be con­cluded in the next 2 –3 months.

Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® is not only used for in-pa­tient treat­ment. In our women’s ad­vice cen­ter, we have a psy­cho­logi­cal re­laxa­tion fa­cil­ity where the main method of treat­ment is Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®.

Women who be­long to the fol­low­ing risk groups are treated:


premature birth

extragenital pathology




And as I have already said,
we also use this method when
preparing patients for surgery.

Prof. Dr. med. G. Gerassimowitsch

Out-pa­tient treat­ment in­volves 12–18 ses­sions, where­by the mu­sic must be lis­tened to eve­ry day. Gen­er­ally, a re­duc­tion in risk is seen in the women. So last year, as a re­sult of this ther­apy, we had no se­ri­ous cases of toxe­mia, no com­pli­ca­tions dur­ing the post-op­era­tive pe­riod and a re­duc­tion in the num­ber of pre­ma­ture births.

I would like to thank the com­poser Peter Hübner and all his col­leagues for de­vel­op­ing an ob­jec­tive and ob­vi­ously ef­fec­tive means of pro­phy­laxis and method of treat­ment for vari­ous com­pli­ca­tions and ill­nesses with the help of Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®. This method can be used suc­cess­fully in ob­stet­rics and Gy­nae­col­ogy This is a rec­og­nized method in Bela­rus. It needs fur­ther sci­en­tific re­search and should be used more ex­ten­sively in prac­tice.

The method is not only suit­able for the pur­poses men­tioned above, but also for screen­ing all preg­nant women and those suf­fer­ing from gy­ne­co­logi­cal com­plaints who re­quire sur­gi­cal treat­ment. For Bela­rus, this method gains par­ticu­lar sig­nifi­cance in con­nec­tion with the Cher­nobyl ca­tas­tro­phe, where the most im­por­tant health dis­or­der is chronic stress. I would like to give ex­pres­sion to the hope that our col­labo­ra­tion in the fu­ture sci­en­tific ex­plo­ra­tion of this method as a pro­phy­lac­tic and broad spec­trum treat­ment for the main­te­nance and strength­en­ing of the reprod­uctive health of women will de­velop suc­cess­fully and fruit­fully.

Medical Music Preparations on CD
RRR 934 Pregnancy & Birth
Pregnancy and Birth


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scientific research.

With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.