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  • Case 1

    Report of a Pharmacist

    Thirty years old, Mrs. A first developed depression due to difficult family situations. She was treated with tranquilizers. These calmed her down in the beginning, but because of the unchanged inability to cope with her family pressures, her condition got increasingly worse.

    Medical Resonance Therapy Music - Sleep Disorders For many years, Mrs. A followed the advise of her doctors to suppress her depression with different drugs of increasing dosage, but with poor success. The depression got worse and in addition more and more tension and painful abdominal problems were reported. Mrs. A. received a strong drug for endogene depression.

    In the following 5 years she developed an immense urge to sleep. Her waking times were reduced to a few hours and her social and family life came to a stop. The change of medication to neuroleptica and an inpatient treatment at a university hospital for many months provided only little help. Soon Mrs. A. was only awake for one hour per day.

    CD RRR 106 At her 69th birthday Mrs. A’s daughter got her a CD player and several music preparations of MRT-Music® as a birthday present. Although in the beginning no results became obvious, the mother was treated with the music regularly.

    After 3 months of treatment first results were there: Mrs. A. slept less, she started to take more part in family life again, to show interest in different things and to undertake activities on her own – something which had not been the case for more than 20 years!

    18 months after the start of the treatment with the music preparations her sleep was normal, tension and pain in the abdomen were gone. She rode alone by bus to the next city to visit her daughter, overlooked the homework of her grandchildren and started activities with her old friends: Thanks to the Medical Resonance Therapy Music®, Mrs. A. had returned to normal and rediscovered her joy for life.

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